Camping Trip
Spring is here in Texas, and it's a great time to be outside, so we're going on a camping trip! The location is some private property just outside of Austin, that a friend of mine has hooked us up with. The property is setup like a campground and several people live there, so we'll be guests on the property. Water and electricity are provided, and the rest is up to us. So to prepare we picked up a new tent, a very sturdy cover for dining, and tiki torches, and a few other odds and ends. I also bought a turkey fryer. Now it's useful for several things. First off it's the ideal stove for brewing beer, because you can do it outside and make a mess rather than brewing in the kitchen and having a lot of cleanup to do. Second the turkey fryer comes with a 30 quart pot, that's 7.5 gallons. If you have checked out any of my beer recipes, they are all for 5 gallon batches, that that is pretty standard, but up until now I have been using two 12 quart pots and combining them at the end. Now I can use a single pot without having to split and combine at all. Third since the cooker part of the kit uses propane it can also double as a camping stove. So we can have a fire to cook over, but also will have a nice propane burner. I also started a batch of pilsner which is now fermenting at a cool 55F, and I hope that it will come along camping with us.