Going Home
I am at the airport right now, waiting my flight to Newark, and from there I will be flying to Manchester, UK. My aunt will be picking me up at the airport in Manchester, and I will in England until March 4th. I am looking forward to relaxing, although I still have responsibilities to fulfill while I am there. It will be really great to visit my cousins, and that is what I am most looking forward to. I have lots of things going through my head now. What can I send my cousins? What are we going to do? Will I get to London? I will work it all out.
I say I'm going home because England is where my family is from, and I love visiting, however there is a community in Houston that I love being a part of and I will miss while I am gone.
I don't know if I will have internet access at my aunt's or grandmother's house so I will probably not be checking e-mail regularly, although I will check at least once a week.
My alarm has just gone off to remind me to get to my gate, so I will have to go for now. I am nervous about this trip. I am not the same person that my family knows me as, and I will honor that, and be relentlessly compassionate with them. I love them.
Life Happens
I have a lot of news to report today. Last night Kelsie broke up with me. I wish you the best of luck Kelsie. You can always get in touch with me in the future.
I got two job offers that I have been waiting on. I have until Wednesday next week to decide. I am also looking into options for my company. I will need a support person to work with my customers in future, and I am on the lookout for that person.
I booked my trip to England. I will be leaving February 20th, and returning on March 4th. That means I get two full weekends there, and also my mum's birthday (Feb 29th).
I am not going to run the Park City marathon any more since that was intended to be run with Kelsie, but I am looking at other options. I may do the Houston marathon next year, and my friend Pam is also planning on doing it.
Incidentally my plans for Valentines Day weekend are also canceled, so no more bed and breakfast in La Grange.
I'm looking to see if I can visit my friend Janet since I'm in Florida right now. I guess I'll see if that works out. I may stay the weekend in Miami. I would love to check out some breaks clubs there. Miami breaks is world famous.
Until next time, this is technophile, living a life of ecstasy.