Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Marathon Training - Starting Over

So I have a confession. I haven't been training for the last three weeks. I went to England, and I ran while I was there. Not too big a deal. I had plenty of time. When I got home I just quit. Now sure I have excuses for it, but honestly I didn't even try to fit it into my schedule. So yesterday I started over with my training program, and it was awesome. Let me say a little something about nuclear reactors just to set the stage for my experience. Nuclear reactors sustain an ongoing fission reaction, which is kept under control by introducing control rods into the reactor. These control rods absorb the radiation and slow the reaction. When the control rods are removed the reaction speeds up and more energy is generated. So yesterday I removed the control rods, and allowed my body to generate, and it was amazing. I am not in as good a shape as I have been, and I could tell, but after about 20 minutes of running through the rain I started to feel that reaction going on inside me, and that makes it all worth it. So I ran 3.8 miles yesterday, and I am back on track. I did a quick check, and I don't see any marathons in August where I'd like to run, so I'm looking at doing the Fox Cities Marathon in Appleton, WI where I grew up. It is on September 20th. http://www.foxcitiesmarathon.org/


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